The moveoff Hal component is a Hal-only method for implementing offsets. See the manpage ($ man moveoff) for the IMPORTANT limitations and warnings.
The moveoff component is used to offset joint positions using custom Hal connections. Implementing an offset-while-program-is-paused functionality is supported with appropriate connections for the input pins. Nine joints are supported.
The axis offset pin values (offset-in-M) are continuously applied (respecting limits on value, velocity, and acceleration) to the output pins (offset-current-M, pos-plusoffset-M, fb-minusoffset-M) when both enabling input pins (apply-offsets and move-enable) are TRUE. The two enabling inputs are anded internally. A warning pin is set and a message issued if the apply-offsets pin is deasserted while offsets are applied. The warning pin remains TRUE until the offsets are removed or the apply-offsets pin is set.
Typically, the move-enable pin is connected to external controls and the apply-offsets pin is connected to (for offsets only while paused) or set to TRUE (for continuously applied offsets).
Applied offsets are automatically returned to zero (respecting limits) when either of the enabling inputs is deactivated. The zero value tolerance is specified by the epsilon input pin value.
Waypoints are recorded when the moveoff componenent is enabled. Waypoints are managed with the waypoint-sample-secs and waypoint-threshold pins. When the backtrack-enable pin is TRUE, the auto-return path follows the recorded waypoints. When the memory available for waypoints is exhausted, offsets are frozen and the waypoint-limit pin is asserted. This restriction applies regardless of the state of the backtrack-enable pin. An enabling pin must be deasserted to allow a return to the original (non-offset position).
Backtracking through waypoints results in slower movement rates as the moves are point-to-point respecting velocity and acceleration settings. The velocity and acceleration limit pins can be managed dynamically to control offsets at all times.
When backtrack-enable is FALSE, the auto-return move is NOT coordinated, each axis returns to zero at its own rate. If a controlled path is wanted in this condition, each axis should be manually returned to zero before deasserting an enabling pin.
The waypoint-sample-secs, waypoint-threshold, and epsilon pins are evaluated only when the component is idle.
The offsets-applied output pin is provided to indicate the current state to a GUI so that program resumption can be managed. If the offset(s) are non-zero when the apply-offsets pin is deasserted (for example when resuming a program when offsetting during a pause), offsets are returned to zero (respecting limits) and an Error message is issued.
If offsets are enabled and applied and the machine is turned off for any reason, any external Hal logic that manages the enabling pins and the offset-in-M inputs is responsible for their state when the machine is subsequently turned on again. |
This Hal-only means of offsetting is typically not known to LinuxCNC nor available in GUI preview displays. No protection is provided for offset moves that exceed soft limits managed by LinuxCNC. Since soft limits are not honored, an offset move may encounter hard limits (or CRASH if there are no limit switches). Use of the offset-min-M and offset-max-M inputs to limit travel is recommended. Triggering a hard limit will turn off the machine — see Caution above.
The offset-in-M values may be set with inifile settings, controlled by a GUI, or managed by other Hal components and connections. Fixed values may be appropriate in simple cases where the direction and amount of offset is well-defined but a control method is required to deactivate an enabling pin in order to return offsets to zero. GUIs may provide means for users to set, increment, decrement, and accumulate offset values for each axis and may set offset-in-M values to zero before deasserting an enabling pin.
The default values for accel, vel, min, max, epsilon, waypoint-sample-secs, and waypoint-threshold may not be suitable for any particular application. This Hal component is unaware of limits enforced elsewhere by LinuxCNC. Users should test usage in a simulator application and understand all hazards before use on hardware.
Sim configurations that demonstrate the component and a gui (moveoff_gui) are located in:
configs/sim/axis/moveoff (axis-ui)
configs/sim/touchy/ngcgui (touchy-ui)
1. Modifying an existing configuration
A system-provided halfile (LIB:hookup_moveoff.tcl) can be used to adapt an existing configuration to use the moveoff component. Additional ini file settings support the use of a simple gui (moveoff_gui) for controlling offsets.
When the system halfile (LIB:hookup_moveoff.tcl) is properly specified in a configuration ini file, it will:
Disconnect the original joint.N.motor-pos-cmd and joint.N.motor-pos-fb pin connections
Load (loadrt) the moveoff component (using the name mv) with a personality set to accommodate all axes identified in the ini file
Add (addf) the moveoff component functions in the required sequence
Reconnect the joint.N.motor-pos-cmd and joint.N.motor-pos-fb pins to use the moveoff component
Set the moveoff component operating parameters and limits for each axis in accordance with additional ini file settings
Note: The moveoff_gui application supports configurations that use known kinematics modules with KINEMATICS_TYPE=KINEMATICS_IDENTITY. Supported modules include: trivkins. With identity kins, moveoff_gui assigns each axis name specified with the command line parameter -axes axisnames to the corresponding joint.
Modify an existing configuration as follows:
Make sure there is an ini file entry for [HAL]HALUI and create a new [HAL]HALFILE entry for LIB:hookup_moveoff.tcl. The entry for LIB:hookup_moveoff.tcl should follow all HALFILE= entries for halfiles that connect the pins for joint.N.motor-pos-cmd, joint.N.motor-pos-fb, and any components connected to these pins (pid and encoder components in a servo system for instance).
HALUI = halui
HALFILE = existing_configuration_halfile_1
HALFILE = existing_configuration_halfile_n
HALFILE = LIB:hookup_moveoff.tcl
Add ini file entries for the per-axis settings for each axis in use (if an entry is not defined, the corresponding entry from the [AXIS_n] section will be used, if no entry is found, then the moveoff component default will be used. Note: Using component defaults or [AXIS_n] section values for per-axis offset settings is NOT recommended.
Add ini file entries for moveoff component settings (omit to use moveoff defaults):
The moveoff_gui is used to make additional required connections and provide a popup gui to:
Provide a control togglebutton to Enable/Disable offsets
Provide a control togglebutton to Enable/Disable backtracking
Provide control pushbuttons to Increment/Decrement/Zero each axis offset
Display each axis offset current value
Display current offset status (disabled, active, removing, etc)
The provided control buttons are optional depending upon the state of the moveoff component move-enable pin. Both a display and controls for enabling offsetting are provided if the pin mv.move-enable is NOT connected when the moveoff_gui is started. For this case, the moveoff_gui manages the moveoff component move-enable pin (named mv.move-enable) as well as the offsets (mv.move-offset-in-M) and the backtracking enable (mv.backtrack-enable)
If the mv.move-enable pin IS connected when the moveoff_gui is started, the moveoff_gui will provide a display but NO controls. This mode supports configurations that use a jog wheel or other methods of controlling the offset inputs and the enable pins (mv.offset-in-M, mv.move-enable, mv.backtrack-enable).
The moveoff_gui makes the required connections for the moveoff component pins: mv.power_on and mv.apply-offsets. The mv.power_on pin is connected to the motion.motion-enabled pin (a new signal is automatically created if necessary). The mv.apply-offsets is connected to or set to 1 depending upon the command line option -mode [ onpause | always ]. A new signal is automatically created if necessary.
To use the moveoff_gui, add an entry in the ini file [APPLICATIONS] section as follows:
# Note: a delay (specified in seconds) may be required if connections
# are made using postgui halfiles ([HAL]POSTGUI_HALFILE=)
APP = moveoff_gui option1 option2 ...
When the halfile LIB:hookup_moveoff.tcl is used to load and connect the moveoff component, the mv.move-enable pin will not be connected and local controls provided by the moveoff_gui will be used. This is the simplest method to test or demonstrate the moveoff component when modifying an existing ini configuration.
To enable external controls while using the moveoff_gui display for offset values and status, halfiles that follow LIB:hookup_moveoff.tcl must make additional connections. For example, the supplied demonstration configs (configs/sim/axis/moveoff/*.ini) use a simple system halfile (named LIB:moveoff_external.hal) to connect the mv.move-enable,mv.offset-in-M, and mv.bactrack-enable pins to signals:
HALUI = halui
HALFILE = LIB:hookup_moveoff.tcl
HALFILE = LIB:moveoff_external.hal
The connections made by LIB:moveoff_external.hal (for a three axis configuration) are:
net external_enable mv.move-enable
net external_offset_0 mv.offset-in-0
net external_offset_1 mv.offset-in-1
net external_offset_2 mv.offset-in-2
net external_backtrack_en mv.backtrack-enable
These signals (external_enable, external_offset_M, external_backtrack_en) may be managed by subsequent HALFILES (including POSTGUI_HALFILEs) to provide customized control of the component while using the moveoff_gui display for current offset values and offset status.
The moveoff_gui is configured with command line options. For details on the operation of moveoff_gui, see the man page:
$ man moveoff_gui
For a brief listing of command line options for moveoff_gui, use the command line help option:
$ moveoff_gui --help
moveoff_gui [Options]
[--help | -? | -- -h ] (This text)
[-mode [onpause | always]] (default: onpause)
(onpause: show gui when program paused)
(always: show gui always)
[-axes axisnames] (default: xyz (no spaces))
(letters from set of: x y z a b c u v w)
(example: -axes z)
(example: -axes xz)
(example: -axes xyz)
[-inc incrementvalue] (default: 0.001 0.01 0.10 1.0 )
(specify one per -inc (up to 4) )
(example: -inc 0.001 -inc 0.01 -inc 0.1 )
[-size integer] (default: 14
(Overall gui popup size is based on font size)
[-loc center|+x+y] (default: center)
(example: -loc +10+200)
[-autoresume] (default: notused)
(resume program when move-enable deasserted)
[-delay delay_secs] (default: 5 (resume delay))
Options for special cases:
[-noentry] (default: notused)
(don't create entry widgets)
[-no_resume_inhibit] (default: notused)
(do not use a resume-inhibit-pin)
[-no_pause_requirement] (default: notused)
(no check for
[-no_cancel_autoresume] (default: notused)
(useful for retraact offsets with simple)
(external control )
[-no_display] (default: notused)
(Use when both external controls and displays)
(are in use (see Note)) )
Note: If the moveoff move-enable pin (mv.move-enable) is connected when
moveoff_gui is started, external controls are required and only
displays are provided.